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Image of Vlad Ionescu

Vlad Ionescu

Vlad is an AWS Container Hero and a DevOps Consultant. He is focused on observability and reliability, with a passion for rapid deployments and simplicity. He’d like you to think of him as a 'professional mistake avoider'.

Before rising to the clouds, Vlad was a software developer with a background in finance. He’s knowledgeable about Haskell and Ruby, but spends most of his time in Python or Go while grumbling about JavaScript.



Deep Dive: CNCF Serverless WG/CloudEvents - Clemens Vasters & Vlad Ionescu

KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2019 - Europe

Birds of a Feather community session, with Q&A, moderated by Michael Hausenblaus

AWS Container Days - San Diego 2019